Pre vozičkárov je vyhradený samostatný sektor v sektore V.I.P. STANDING s kapacitou 50 miest. Cena vstupenky je 40 EUR. Vstupenka oprávňuje ku vstupu vozičkára s doprovodom.Povolená je ako doprovod len 1 osoba. Doprovodu bude umožnené byť pri vozičkárovi.

There is independent sector dedicated for wheelchair users in the VIP STANDING with capacity of 50 seats. Ticket price is 40,- Eur. The ticket allows the wheelchair user with his accompaniment to enter the area. Only one person is allowed to accompany the wheelchair user, and that person will be able to stay with the wheelchair user.

Vstupenky na/tickets for GUNS N’ ROSES
