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Don Diablo in Bratislava

Don Diablo in Bratislava
Don Diablo in Bratislava



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7. najlepší svetový dj Don Diablo príde späť do Incheba Arény 7. septembra po jeho vypredanej šou minulý rok v Bratislave. Tento krát príde s NAJVÄČŠOU európskou produkciou šou ,,FUTURE XL”. Táto obrovská šou bude niečo iné ako koncert alebo párty. Táto šou nám prinesie FUTURE.

Ako zakladateľ hnutia Future House, je jasné prečo je holandský dj / producent Don Diablo považovaný za priekopníka v tanečnej hudbe. Teraz zaradený ako #7 v DJ Mag Top 100 Poll - ho robí najvyššie postaveným umelcom v kategórii Future House - Don získal pochvalu od talentov a promotérov po celom svete vďaka hlavným hitom ako je ‘On My Mind’ , ‘Take Her Place’, ‘What We Started’, ‘Chemicals’ a ‘Cutting Shapes’ a najnovšie jeho druhý album ‘FUTURE’ vydaný začiatkom roku 2018. Po niekoľkých rokoch výroby, vydanie ‘FUTURE LP’ bolo bezpochýb kariérnym miľníkom pre Dona. Veľmi sa teší, že uvidí všetkých vás Hexagonians na Slovensku 7. septembra.
Ty a 5999 ďalších! Sme pripravení na FUTURE, si aj ty? Nenechaj si ujsť špeciálne lístky za nižšiu cenu predtým ako sa cena bude zvyšovať.



World’s best 7th DJ Don Diablo is back after his SOLD OUT show in Bratislava last year. This time he is coming with his BIGGEST Central Europe production “FUTURE XL”. This massive show will be beyond the concert or party. This show will bring us the FUTURE.

🍾 VIP / Normal tickets holders for bottle services please contact us via e-mail:

As a founding father of the Future House movement, it’s evident why Dutch DJ/Producer Don Diablo is considered a pioneer in dance music. Currently ranked #7 in the DJ Mag Top 100 Poll – making him the highest placing artist in the Future House category – Don has earned praise from talent and tastemakers across the globe for major hits such as ‘On My Mind’, ‘Take Her Place’, ‘What We Started’, ‘Chemicals’ and ‘Cutting Shapes’ and most recently his sophomore album ‘FUTURE’ released early 2018. Several years in the making, the release of the ‘FUTURE LP’ was without a doubt a career milestone for Don. He is so excited to see all Hexagonians in Slovakia on 7th September.

VIP Advantages 

Our VIP Tickets allow you to take full advantage of what this Biggest Don Diablo Europe Show has to offer.It’s a big, busy show and the VIP experience means you will queue less and have somewhere to private, relax and chill. Also you will be able to watch both sides during the show either Artist / Stage side or the crowd side.

Please kindly note that VIP and VIP All Inclusive Tickets are really limited.


  • Separate (Priority) entrance to the Incheba Expo Arena. 
  • You can watch the show in the VIP zone and meantime you will see artist’s performance best. Also you can see the crowd. There is nothing better than watching every side of Biggest Don Diablo solo show in the Europe. 
  • The VIP area has more and private restrooms. 
  • The VIP areas have extra food and beverage vendors (Bars) so that you can stay well-fed and hydrated.
  • VIP zones have more spaces to feel comfortable and you can relax. 
  • You will have chance to meet other VIP people in the zone and other artists and musicians will be there as well. 
  • You will use VIP Cloakroom for free. 
  • Access to VIP lounge and smoking room.
  • Access to all areas inside the Incheba Expo Arena. 

📩 For additional information contact us via e-mail:




+15 (or with an adult who is under 15)

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