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Festival Konvergencie 2022



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Sobota / 17. 9. 2022 / Kostol Panny Márie Snežnej (Kalvária) / 20,00 hod.
Jozef Lupták, Boris Lenko, Jordana Palovičová
Temple Timbre Embers
Stroon & DevKid

Jozef LUPTÁK, violončelo
Boris LENKO, akordeón
Jordana PALOVIČOVÁ, klávesy

Dalibor KOCIÁN (aka Stroon), vibrafón, elektronika
Ján ŠICKO (aka DevKid), vizualizácie

„Láska je jediná vec, ktorá presahuje čas i priestor,“ hovorí astronautka Dr. Amelia Brand vo filme Interstellar. Na festivale Konvergencie sme presvedčení, že jej konštatovanie platí aj o hudbe. Komorné úpravy skladieb Hansa Zimmera zo soundtracku k oskarovému filmu Christophera Nolana a moderné audiovizuálne koncertné spracovanie súčasnej elektronickej hudby z albumu Stroon – Temple Timbre Embers vo forme site-specific performance zaznejú Konvergenciách v bratislavskom Kostole Panny Márie Snežnej na Kalvárii.

“Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it.” Amelia Brand/Interstellar

Trvanie koncertu: 90 minút

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Saturday / 17. 9. 2022 / Church of Our Lady of the Snows (Calvary) / 20.00
Jozef Lupták, Boris Lenko, Jordana Palovičová
Temple Timbre Embers
Stroon & DevKid

Jozef LUPTÁK, cello
Boris LENKO, accordion
Jordana PALOVIČOVÁ, keyboard

Dalibor KOCIÁN (aka Stroon), vibraphone, electronics
Ján ŠICKO (aka DevKid), visualization

“Love is the only thing that transcends space and time,” says the astronaut Dr. Amelia Brand in the film Interstellar. We are convinced that her statement holds true for music as well. Chamber arrangements of works by Hans Zimmer from the soundtrack to the Christopher Nolan’s Oscar-winning film, and a modern audiovisual concert arrangement of contemporary electronic music from the album Stroon – Temple Timbre Embers, in the form of a site-specific performance, will be heard at Konvergencie Chamber Music Festival in Bratislava’s Church of Our Lady of the Snows, at the Calvary.

“Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it.” Amelia Brand/Interstellar

Concert duration: 90 minutes


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