We would like to invite you to one of the first Magic: the Gathering
WPNQ in format Standard. Come and fight for a chance to qualify for
Players Tour!
Fill out our google form (after you buy a ticket), that we can register you
to WPN Reporter:
https://forms.gle/oejMbTbeEUS5tjKo8 Prizes:
Top 32 players receive an Arcbound Ravager Promo
For each player we will add 5 Throne of Eldraine boosters to prize pool
plus 5€ travel voucher for the winner.
If you have any questions about the event or you need any help, contact us
cloudpost@cloudpost.sk Travel and Accomodation: Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia and as a
friendly reminder, we use the Euro for currency.
Vienna Airport (Schwechat, Austria) is 60km from Bratislava with shuttle
busses connecting to both cities, departing every 30 minutes. Bratislava
has smaller airport of its own (10 minutes to the venue by taxi).
An alternative is the Bratislava Hlavna Stanica (Train Station) which is
a very short distance to iHRYsko.
Cloudpost have secured arrangements with
http://www.bestlocation.sk/en-gb for a special rate. You can reserve
your spot via email to
jan@bestlocation.sk. Please make sure that the
email contains the requested dates, number of people, breakfast option
and include the special code: WPNQ Cloudpost.
The rates are 50€ per night per 2 people. Every extra person will cost
an additional 15€ per night.
Please be aware that this offer is only available until the end of
October, so make your reservations as soon as you can.
If you will not be lucky enough at the main event, we still have some
side events for you from Friday to Sunday. More information soon...
Radi by sme vás pozvali na jedno z prvých Magic: the Gathering WPNQ vo
formáte Standard. Príďte zabojovať o šancu kvalifikovať sa na
Players Tour!
Po zakúpení lístka vyplňte google formulár, aby sme
vás mohli zaregistrovať do systému:
https://forms.gle/oejMbTbeEUS5tjKo8 Ceny:
Top 32 získa Promo Foil Arcbound Ravagera
Za každého hráča pridáme 5 boostrov Throne of Eldraine do prize
poolu plus 5€ ako príspevok na cestu pre víťaza.
Ak budete mať akékoľvek otázky alebo budete potrebovať pomôcť,
dajte nám vedieť na
cloudpost@cloudpost.sk Ubytovanie:
Získali sme pre vás špeciálnu ponuku na ubytovanie cez
http://www.bestlocation.sk/en-gb za výbornú cenu. Ubytovanie si
môžete rezervovať cez
jan@bestlocation.sk. Prosím uistite sa, že
mail obsahuje dátum, počet ľudí, či chcete, alebo nechcete raňajky
a špeciálny kód pre vašu zľavu: WPNQ Cloudpost.
Cena je 50€ na noc pre 2 osoby. Za ďalšiu osobu na izbu sa dopláca
Táto ponuka platí do konca októbra, tak ak máte záujem o
rezerváciu, spravte tak čo najskôr.
Ak sa vám nebude dariť na main evente, budú pre vás pripravené aj
menšie side eventy. Viac info o side eventoch budeme mať pre vás